Through its life, RAS has always created fashion aimed at young, urban, cosmopolitan women. Footwear tailored to fit their modern interests and exclusive taste. RAS has also leaned on innovation, exploring different cultures and materials, making its footwear become a milestone for today’s women.
Since its foundation on 1988, the RAS Design & Development Team has never stopped investigating new fashion & lifestyle trends, having always in mind a casual, daring, joyful woman.
Our objective is crystal clear: creating up-to-date women shoes and accessories.
As a company with great prestige and international recognition, Zappas, S.L. has carried out different actions focused on the internationalisation of the company. These have been co-financed by the Conselleria de Economía Sostenible, Sectores Productivos, Comercio y Trabajo included in the aid programme to support the promotion abroad of the Comunitat Valenciana for the financial year 2022. The project has been supported with a grant of €49.794,58. For the past financial year 2021, the project was supported with a grant of €30,461.10.
In addition, Zappas, S.L. has participated in the Aid Programme for the direct granting of extraordinary subsidies to support business solvency by Covid-19, for which it has received a subsidy of 83,593.89€. This aid is granted by the Conselleria de Hacienda y Modelo Económico. With file number HISOLV/2021/4912/03.
ZAPPAS S.L., has carried out actions focused on the internationalization of the company for which it has received a grant through the current Conselleria de Innovación, Industria, Comercio y Turismo included in the aid program to promote the internationalization of exporting SMEs of the Comunitat Valenciana for the year 2024.
The project, with file number INTPRM/2024/133, has been supported with a grant of 22,275.77 €.